Let’s do this, 2025
The start of a new year is arbitrary, really.
But because we as humans have given it meaning, it has become a time to recalibrate.
John and I sit down at the beginning of each year and financially plan our year. We also talk about our goals as a couple, for our family, and for ourselves. I think it’s important to set goals. I like to have a vision for the year and I like to have a plan on how to get there. I am both a big picture and a small steps type of person. Every year, my personal goals center around two things: My own health and wellbeing, and my professional growth. These are the two areas of myself that are central to my identity and where I am always trying to grow. I think balance is important, although perhaps not achievable every day or every week when you work in this type of law. I think I owe my clients some imbalance, tilted in their favor.
So what are my resolutions this year? I’ll give you the themes for now, because they apply to both my personal and professional goals:
Be consistent
Be deliberate
Be present
Be true to myself
Be a beast
Be uncomfortable
I have never been the kind of person who feels good in my comfort zone. I always push my limits. And I admit, I push the limits of those around me. I like a challenge. As we go forward into this new year, I am excited. The year holds a lot of opportunity and I intend to tap in to the full extent.
Whether you are with me on this journey into 2025 or looking in, buckle up. We are in for a ride.